Get Involved

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal

Wednesdays at 6:00 pm we gather to share a home cooked meal and impactful fellowship. Great food, fun, and laughter! All are welcome!

Quilters & Crafters Group

Thursdays at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall our quilters and crafters meet to sew, quilt, knit, craft, and fellowship each week. They meet for Lunch at 11:45 am. Join us as we get to know one another and encourage our creative side!

Blessing Bag Ministry

Thursdays at 1:15 pm in Education Building we gather to prepare snack lunches every week! St. Paul provides 40 sack lunches for our homeless and food-insecure neighbors. You are welcome to serve with us as we pack these bags each week.


Looking for a way to serve our older neighbors in Pampa? We partner with GrayCares Living at Home who provides non-medical, in-home independent living support for people ages 65 and older living in Gray County.  To sign up as a volunteer, call 806-688-7109 or email. Find more information here.

Questions before visiting?

Get in touch.